At TeachZing we aim to provide a platform for English Teachers to learn more about the possibly of teaching in China. With free adverts for schools, useful information and videos and a network of agencies we work with if be sure to check us out and link up with us on our social media platforms.

If you are interested in contribution to TeachZing be sure to get in touch. Whether you are a blogger, a vlogger, a past or present English teacher or just somebody who would like to be involved email for more information. We will credit your name with each article or video and provide a link to your social media profiles for any successful contributor.

If you know of any friends who are interested in teaching in China be sure to spread the TeachZing word.


Be sure to view some videos from a selection of English teachers in China. Hear their views, listen to their stories and receiv useful information.

Video Vault


why chinaTeaching English offers excellent opportunities to travel, work, learn a new language and culture and make friends from all over the world. China is a booming economy and English teachers are in big demand. If you would like to find out more visit the FAQs section.

Frequently Asked Questions


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